Igwe eji eme ihe na-acha uhie uhie na-egosi na ngosi ihe ngosi Mevos na Guangzhou

Iremeco bu igwe eji eme ihe eji eme ihe eji eme ihe. It is made and designed by Shanghai Mayskin company in 2020. It has 3 kinds of light modes-RGB, UV and CPL lights. Dabere na ọkụ 3 ndị a, enwere ike nyocha nke ihe osise emecha. Ihe onyonyo a nwere ike inye aka chepụta esemokwu anụ dịka anwụrụ, ụcha, mbufụt, acne, porathity, porephyrin, porephyrin, porephyrin,

Welcome to contact info@meicet.com to get more details about this high-end and professional skin analysis machine.

Post Oge: Nove-29-2021

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